Jodi Merrick

Jodi Merrick

Yoga Instructor


About Coach

Jodi likes to say... 'yoga found me or that when I wasdesperately seeking a change in myself, finding the practice of yoga profoundlytransformed my life."

In 2008, a friend encouraged Jodi to take a free class being offered Thanksgiving morning at the new Bikram Hot studio.  She actually thought she was going to die in that room, but the owner/teacher encouraged her to give it a few more tries.  After a couple more classes Jodi was hooked and irrevocably in love with the discipline. Through regularly practicing Bikram hot yoga, Jodi found the benefits were endless in so many aspects of mind &body. "

Turning Point

"Over the past 15 years Yoga has been life altering for me,it positively changed my perspectives towards health, healing, learning, life& self love.

I have been encouraging everyone I know to give the practice a try & discover how it could impact their lives as well. "


Motivation & Passion

As a teacher I strive to create classes that challenge you,but also help you fine-tune your practice and expand your knowledge andunderstanding of all aspects of yoga.

I encourage my students to find new levels of possibility intheir bodies and minds and bring their practice off of their mats and intotheir lives & communities.
